World famous author of fanfiction based on Resident Evil and Legacy of Kain. Self-made bazillionaire. Speaks 22 languages. Seven feet tall and has six fingers on each hand. Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and the Cy Young Award all in the same year. Once climbed Mount Everest while juggling a pair of flaming chainsaws. Knows where all the bodies are buried.

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Resident Evil
Fanfiction based on the video game series Resident Evil.

Legacy of Kain
Fanfiction based on the video game series Legacy of Kain.

Shadows of Brimstone
Fanfiction based on the board game series Shadows of Brimstone.

Other fanfiction
All other fanfiction, including John Wick and the Elder Scrolls.

Original fiction
Original fiction not based on anything.