These are works of fan fiction based on the Shadows of Brimstone board game system. All names and related trademarks are the property of Flying Frog Productions. I receive no financial compensation from these works and do not seek to infringe upon the owner’s copyrights in any way.

Walk With Me In Hell
It is the 1880s. A strange mineral called dark stone has been discovered, and boom towns have sprung up all over in a rush to get rich. But more than just dark stone lurks under the ground. Miners and townsfolk are disappearing and horror stories begin to spread. Now, four strangers must group together to find out what is lurking deep in the mines ...

Through the Gates Of Hell
It is the 1880s. The mineral known as dark stone is still being mined all across Arizona, but the dangers are no longer a secret. When terrifying creatures attack the dying boom town of Peaceful Valley, they kidnap an innocent young girl. Now, four strangers must form a posse to save the girl, but the mission will take them through a gate to another world ...

From The Void Of Hell
Planned but not written yet.

To The Depths Of Hell
Planned but not written yet.

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